Monday, May 27, 2013



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Been in classes, time to get busy with other things.  Need to quilt, bake, etc., etc.  Apricot season.  Here are some preserves:

Apricot Betty and Apricot Jelly.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brainiacs.  Are you one?  Always in your head.  Think about the best outcome before you say anything.  Never spontaneous.  Guarded.  No interest in being judged but will judge another in a heartbeat.  Has something logical to say about every occurrence.  Some people believe that a person like that just thinks they have all the answers to every conversation engaged in, are you a know it all?  Well enough about that.

Did you know that this is the year of baking.  #Cool Whip frosting had a sweepstakes that began in January and ended in February to celebrate bakers who came up with great baking ideas.  It will be interesting to see who won.  The cake for the month of May is Cookies and Cream, doesn't that sound yummy.  It looks like a plain white cake with cookies and cream frosting on top and in between two layers, I'll have to try that frosting out it could save me a lot of work.

The quilt of the day -


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Can you believe it, in January I was plugging along in my little put-put doing my usual routine and one day when I got home, I had a little present in the mail.  A red light photo ticket.  I was sure it was a mistake, but it gave me ample time to check into it.  Well the time to dispute it is fast approaching better take care of this. I never ever ever run red lights.

Foods of the day: